"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Sunday, May 01, 2005

John Sweeney and the BBC take over abusing Moazzem Begg from Bush

Look for theHatchet faced handmaiden from the BBC <<<

Moazzem Begg, the b**** and John Sweeney the boor from the BBC

Blackburn, May Day and Moazzem Begg, a shy, bespectacle diffident soul, victim of 3 years illegal imprisonment by the US , with 20 months in solitary. Shuttled around the world from Bagram, the Kandahar to Guantanamo to London before being released without charge or apology or compensation faced a warm crowd of several hundred.

His harrowing tale, the neglect of his Government, the indifference of his kidnappers, the refusal to provide legal assistance and representation, the removal of all means of communication with family, friends and lawyers, a child born in his absence....a humbly told and frightening tale of Government corruption could not fail to move.

Not so John Sweeney BBC apparatchik and Gubment apologist, the portly shambling figure in the second hand, shabby and stained DOM raincoat, sweaty forehead and the moist lips of a ……

No, our John, his evident venereal strabismus giving him an unpleasant aspect even when he unsmilingly smiling confronted the polite and sweet Mozzem,” Why did you come here to support Craig Murray, he isn’t a Muslim ?” The BBC camera rolled. The Listeners gasped.

Sweeney was challenged at this insensitive and offensive remark. “ I am provocative” he explains, “..it is my job”. His hatchet faced handmaiden, with glacial and forbidding stare, a Bet Lynch lookalike down to the leopard skin and brassy stare of a streetwalker looked on, impassive as an Ice Maiden.

Hard faced harridan from the BBC >>>>>>

Further challenged Sweeney proudly- and comically, with evident polished and practised relish, reeled off a list of his achievement, Amnesty award, 2 visits to Chechynya, Afghanistan,,blah, blah.. the sweat stood out even more on his brow.

He was challenged again. His unnecessary hassling of Begg placed him alongside his inquisitors at Guantanamo… the hard faced … well... lady from the BBC hustled him off….smelling trouble.

A quick Google and his form is apparent... 2 days in sunny Blackburn dogging Craig Murray's footsteps... a Foreign Secretary, shocked and shaken behind shuttered windows, who has surrendered the streets to Murray ... the Moazzem Begg meeting , improbably in "Tony's" Ballroom a decayed 20's plais de danse - because the Labour \Local Authority refused to provide a FREE venue as legally obliged - So this is Sweeney's story.. or an attempt to conjure one up. Rough up the ex con and get him to say something he will regret on camera - Sweeney is missing his way, he wants to apply for a job with the torture crews on Diego Garcia...or is that being provocative ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whi is the hard faced, harridan with the zipper lips...names plse

Sweeney looks unpleasant - is this a trick of the light ?

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